Location of collision was approximately halfwat between West Haddon and Crick on the A428, approximate time of the incident was between 2130 and 2145.
A more detailed view of the location of the collision on the A428, Rough point of impact and rough indications of eventual resting position of vehicles involved in the collision are shown, along with their direction of travel.
LDV van following the collision, 2 occupants no major injuries. Both are feeling whiplash effects the day after.

Second shot of the LDV van.

VW Lupo which ran into the LDV van, 4 occupants, 3 where able to exit the car immediately after their vehicle came to rest. The 4th one who was driving had to be cut free by the fire service. Four young girls out for a night out, not a night out that they will forget in a hurry. Scraed the living daylights out of them, shock, panicking, only the driver sustained injuries with some minor cuts. Most will probably show signs of whiplash in the days following the incident.
As far as is known, shock and minor injuries were sustained, nothing major.